How to create an email address


  • Log-in to your account using the following link:
  • Select Services > My Services

  • Select your hosting service by clicking on the row, not on the domain name.

  • School down to the “Quick Create Email Account” section. Enter your desired email account name an password and click create.

  • After it was created successfully, it will give you a confirming notification like this:

  • Scroll up a bit and select “Email Accounts” from the “Quick Shortcuts” section:

  • Click on “Connect Devices” on the email you would like to configure. Then, click on “Set Up Mail Client”.

  • Choose what kind of device you would like to configure from the given list, or enter the data manually with the information provided below:

  • If you want to send the configuration information via mail, scroll down a bit to the “Email instruction” section, enter the email and press send.

  • 23 کاربر این را مفید یافتند
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